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The Provider

About The Film

Malek, a dedicated family man, is sat at the dining table with news of a
promotion that he wants to share with his wife, Maha, who is sat across the table.
However, the prospect of a promotion is unwanted by Malek as this would mean
he will spend more me away from Maha and his daughter Sana. Malek gathers
the courage to break the news to his wife about turning down the promotion
and finding a job closer to home.
Maha, concerned about losing the affluence she has been accustomed to
quickly shuts down the idea of Malek returning home. An argument over
spending habits ensue, and resentment fills the air. Malek highlights the
sacrifice he has made to provide for the family and Maha blames Malek for
enabling her materialistic behaviour.
As tensions reach their peak, Sana, their emo daughter, walks into the room.
She has been distracted by the noise and has come to see what is going on.
Malek would like to change the subject but Maha exposes the truth to Sana,
that her father has gotten a promotion at work. Malek decides to spill out the
truth and that’s when Sana suggests that her and Maha move to live with
Maha once again shuts down the idea, menoning that they have built a life
where they are, and its not easy to move. Malek takes a long gaze at both Maha
and Sana, coming to the realization that they both choose their lifestyle over his
presence, he excuses himself from the dining table, where he is now sat on the
phone, saying his goodbyes. He grabs a pen and signs the contract, solidifying it.
his role in the family as the provider, sacrificing love and affection for the duty of
being a father.

Meet The Team

Omar Chamandi - Director

Hannah Schulz - Producer

Kimaya Parikh - DOP

Arijay Chaturvedi - Production Designer

Project Collaborators & Roles 

Rohithram Nayaracham Veedu - 1st AC

Hijazi Zaiton - Audio

Sheldon Lobo - Audio

Aryan Raheja - Audio

Watch The Short Film

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